Like many of you, I devour all food TV. Travel food TV even more so. So of course I loved every moment of Stanley Tucci's Searching for Italy (despite the many criticisms it received, largely from my Calabrese friends). I loved the episode where he made Spaghetti alla Nerano in one of his favourite restaurants. He was so blown away by the simple ingredients coming together in a dish truly greater than the sum of its parts. I recall in that episode there was a bit of conundrum over whether or not to add butter. The truth it sort of anything goes. Some Italians get very proud about the fact that you shouldn't need any and that would be wrong but truly most restaurants are adding butter to finish their pastas (because gloss!). You do you would be my answer.
Butter controversies aside, I decided to throw my own non traditional controversy into the ring by not frying the zucchini. I grew up in a rather fry averse house, the concept of oil splatters was not something my mother of 3 was willing to deal with between dance classes and tutors and piano and I don't blame her. As a result I both LOVE frying and hate it just the same. It's a bit of a special thing when I have time to clean it up. I used to make excuses to fry anything and everything when I worked in a cooking school because they had all the tools to make it super easy (deep pots really).
I really wanted to make this dish but I thought I might be able to do it in the oven if I used enough oil. I was right. Maybe a pasta purist wouldn't agree but it had that simple and delicious flavour with a glossy texture and I was more than pleased. I would suggest using a bit more olive oil in the baking tray than you might normally because a lot of flavour and colour comes from that step. Don't miss it!
serves about 4
5 small-medium zucchini (these are tastier!)
400g spaghetti
2 garlic cloves, smashed
olive oil
about 1-1.5 cups finely grated Parmigiano
large handful of basil leaves, chopped
Preheat the oven to 400F and line a large baking tray with parchment or a silicon baking mat. Slice the zucchini into very thin rounds. Not paper thin, but not thick either. Toss them in a large bowl with a good bit of olive oil, salt and pepper. When they're all coated, start to lay them in as flat a layer as possible on the sheet tray. Some overlap is fine but you don't want a big messy pile. Roast for about 15-20 minutes, until they're golden and soft.
Mean while, boil your pasta water and heat a few tbsp of olive oil in a sautee pan large enough to hold all the pasta later. Keep a low medium heat. Add your garlic cloves and let them flavour the oil. They should be lightly simmering and not frying in the oil. Remove the garlic once it starts to brown.
When the pasta water boils, salt it generously (I mean it) and throw the pasta in. Set your timer for 1-2 minutes less than what the package suggests, they always suggest too much time.
When the zucchini is done, toss half of it into the garlicy oil. Keep the heat about medium- high and add about 1/2 cup pasta water when the pasta is just a few minutes from being done. Pull the pasta from the boiling water to the sautee pan when it's still al dente. It will finish cooking in the pan. Stir everything together well with a large handful of cheese (almost a cup). Keep mixing. If it appears quite thick, add more pasta water. You shouldn't have to add much more than a cup. Add pasta water little by little. You can always add, but you can't take away. Test the pasta for doneness. When it's about done, add the rest of your zucchini and the basil. Toss well and serve with more cheese.
While you can throw a knob of butter in the end to get a super gloss, you don't nor should you have to. However, you should know that I won't judge you if you do. This is your pasta.

Bon Appetit!